Export promotion policy through Flanders Investment and Trade (FIT)

Dutch speaking chamber on August 18, 2015

The Belgian Court of Audit has examined the tools that Flanders Investment and Trade (FIT) intends to use in order to promote the Flemish companies’ exports. The policy’s objectives were set in the FIT management contract 2011-2015, though they do not always reflect the strategic targets that were previously expressed in a rather unclear way. The same goes for the latest policy note of 2014-2019 since the way the export objectives are worded does not allow the Court to verify them. Out of the three export promotion tools of FIT – subsidies, actions, and advice -, subsidies are the less adequate to address the strategic options focussing on developing countries and preferential commercial sectors. As the satisfaction survey of 2013 has shown, almost all companies wish to go on working with FIT in the coming years.