Belgian nuclear bodies – Control of governance risks: 2021 and 2022 follow-ups of the Court’s recommendations

general assembly on March 8, 2023

In its report to the Federal Parliament, the Belgian Court of audit took stock of the implementation of the twelve recommendations made during its initial audit of October 2020. It examined whether the actions of the federal organisations have been guided by the strategic orientations of the Federal State and whether the latter has had management tools to effectively check and supervise the federal organisations. Their mechanisms for controlling their governance risks and those of their branches have also been assessed. These follow-ups, which were completed on 24 November 2021 and on 30 November 2022, showed that five recommendations had been met, six were being implemented and one no longer applied. Despite the positive evolution of nuclear governance both at the Federal Government and federal organisations levels, a number of important measures have yet to be implemented.