178th Book – Part I: Observations on the 2020 Accounts of the Administrative Services with Accounting Autonomy, the Administrative Public Bodies and the Equivalent Services

general assembly on May 31, 2021

In part I of its 178th Book, the Court of Audit examines the 2020 accounts of the federal administrative services with accounting autonomy, the federal administrative public bodies and equivalent services. Specific remarks are made on federal scientific agencies, the FPD Finance’s catering service ‘FEDOREST’, the FPD Justice’s service ensuring that prisoners get the chance to work while carrying out their sentence (Régie du travail pénitentiaire/Regie van de Gevangenisarbeid), the Polar Secretariat, the International Press Center (IPC), the exhibition in Brussels on climate and the cities of tomorrow ‘BelExpo’, the State’s property manager (Régie des bâtiments/Regie der Gebouwen), the Federal Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (FEDASIL), the Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP), CREDENDO, the Royal Theatre of La Monnaie, the company managing the Belgian rail infrastructure ‘INFRABEL’, the Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries (BIO), the public institution ensuring public and animal health ‘SCIENSANO’, the War Heritage Institute, the public bodies or public utility organisations in the nuclear sector and the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC).